Crate elements[][src]

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Rust Elements Library

Extensions to rust-bitcoin to support deserialization and serialization of Elements transactions and blocks.


pub extern crate bitcoin;
pub extern crate secp256k1_zkp;
pub use bitcoin::bech32;
pub use bitcoin::hashes;
pub use address::Address;
pub use address::AddressParams;
pub use address::AddressError;
pub use hash_types::*;
pub use issuance::AssetId;
pub use issuance::ContractHash;
pub use script::Script;




Confidential Commitments

Dynamic Federations

Consensus-encodable types

File defines types for hashes used throughout the library. These types are needed in order to avoid mixing data of the same hash format (like SHA256d) but of different meaning (transaction id, block hash etc).

Asset Issuance


Partially Signed Elements Transactions (PSET)


BIP143 Implementation

Implemenation of SLIP-0077: Deterministic blinding key derivation for Confidential Transactions


Description of an asset issuance in a transaction input

Elements block

Elements block header

A reference to a transaction output

Parsed data from a transaction input’s pegin witness

Information about a pegout

Elements transaction

A transaction input, which defines old coins to be consumed

Transaction input witness

Transaction output

Information about Transaction Input Asset

Transaction output witness

A variable-length unsigned integer


Data related to block signatures

Errors encountered when constructing confidential transaction outputs.

Hashtype of a transaction, encoded in the last byte of a signature Fixed values so they can be casted as integer types for encoding

Transaction Output related errors

Transaction Verification Errors


Compute the Merkle root of the give hashes using mid-state only. The inputs must be byte slices of length 32. Note that the merkle root calculated with this method is not the same as the one computed by a normal SHA256(d) merkle root.